Thursday, May 16, 2013

When circumstances seem to work against your dream & you seem to become mediocre; make sure that you hold on to your integrity & dependability-just ThinkAMinute

When circumstances seem to work against your dream & you seem to become mediocre; make sure that you hold on to your integrity & dependability-just ThinkAMinute
Are you morally strong? If someone tries to seduce you, will you be able run away & maybe lose your coat, but keep your character?-just ThinkAMinute

 Who cares about what was negatively thought or said about you? There is only one YOU. So the one thing you can't be is, 'moderately important'-just ThinkAMinute

Before adding on another new method, check out the barriers preventing growth. Not just additions, but subtractions also do bring growth-just ThinkAMinute