Thursday, May 16, 2013

Have you taken your mom for granted? Give mom a hug & don't regret it when she is no more. No one has done for you what your mother has done-just ThinkAMinute

Have you taken your mom for granted? Give mom a hug & don't regret it when she is no more. No one has done for you what your mother has done-just ThinkAMinute

The attention given before marriage must continue after, if not you lose. The enemy of romance is busyness & the spouse always gets neglected-just ThinkAMinute

The Law of Success: Those reliable in the little will be reliable in the big & those who cheat in little things, will also cheat in big things-just ThinkAMinute

  Entertaining puts things before people. Hospitality puts people before things. Are you an Entertainer or do you have the grace of Hospitality?-just ThinkAMinute

If you want to succeed, always be open to learn from others. Remember, everybody is ignorant, but just on different subjects-just ThinkAMinute