Thursday, September 29, 2011

To succeed at work - you have to work, there's no substitute!! It's impossible to climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.....

To succeed at work - you have to work, there's no substitute!! It's impossible to climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets...



Are you a stingy miser? Giving to someone in dire need, especially when it is done in secret brings in a satisfaction that money can't buy.............

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don’t be truthful and give an advice on special situation even for your best friend. It will tear down relationship…….!!!

Don’t be truthful and give an advice on special situation even for your best friend. It will tear down relationship…….!!!


“Forget past mistakes.
  Forget failures.
  Forget everything except
  what you’re going to do now and do it.” 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You can't get clean water from a dirty cup. Clean words also can only come from a pure heart. Just don't be blind to your own character flaws...


You can't get clean water from a dirty cup. Clean words also can only come from a pure heart. Just don't be blind to your own character flaws......

If that small 2-ounce piece of flesh in your mouth is not controlled, it can destroy your relationships. Don't let your tongue cut your throat....

If that small 2-ounce piece of flesh in your mouth is not controlled, it can destroy your relationships. Don't let your tongue cut your throat.............

Monday, September 26, 2011

On a day when you laugh, everybody laughs including you..

On a day when you laugh, everybody laughs including you..
On a day when you cry, everybody else laughs except for you...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Silence is the best answer for all stupid questions".

"Silence is the best answer for all stupid questions".
"Smiling is the best reaction in all critical situations"..........

'Dreams are what get you started, but discipline is what keeps you going all the way.........

'Dreams are what get you started, but discipline is what keeps you going all the way..........
- Former world record holder in the mile run Jim Rya

Friday, September 23, 2011

To make your dreams come true, live by 3 rules: 1) Start right now 2) Do your very best 3) There are no exceptions to the first 2 rules .............................!!

To make your dreams come true, live by 3 rules: 1) Start right now  2) Do your very best 3) There are no exceptions to the first 2 rules .............................!!

After being married for thirty years.... wife asked her husband to describe her...............

After being married for thirty years.... wife asked her husband to describe her.
He looked at her then said slowly, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K."
She asks..... "What does that mean?"
He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Fabulous, Gorgeous, Hot."

She smiled happily and said...."Oh, that's so lovely...... What about I, J, K?"


With a deep sigh, he said, "I'm Just Kidding!


Dad you must influence your son, build his confidence & character. NO ONE can love & teach him to be a real man like you can. SO don't blow it-just ThinkAMinute

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who you are is sometimes hidden by what others think. Don't let others hinder you from becoming you. Success & satisfaction is an 'inside job'..........

Who you are is sometimes hidden by what others think. Don't let others hinder you from becoming you. Success & satisfaction is an 'inside job'...........

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Self-centeredness destroys the bliss of most marriages because it focuses on 'self' rather than the two that were joined with the words 'I do'-just ThinkAMinute

Self-centeredness destroys the bliss of most marriages because it focuses on 'self' rather than the two that were joined with the words 'I do'-just ThinkAMinute

When I look into your eyes ...........

When I look into your eyes

I can see how much I love you…..

And it makes me realize

When I look into your eyes……

I see all my dreams come true

When I look into your eyes ……..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. You can't live without taking risks; it is a part of life....

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. You can't live without taking risks; it is a part of life.........

මා තුරුලේ සිට නෝක්කාඩු ලෙසින් තෙපලු මිහිරි වදන් පෙළ ලොවට ඇසේයැයි බියෙන් බෝපත් ඇල්ලෙන් නැගී සිහින් මදුර ගීතිය නීල අම්බරේ මුසුව ගීයා ...............

මා තුරුලේ 
නෝක්කාඩු ලෙසින් 
තෙපලු මිහිරි වදන් පෙළ
ලොවට ඇසේයැයි බියෙන්
බෝපත් ඇල්ලෙන් නැගී 
සිහින් මදුර ගීතිය
නීල අම්බරේ මුසුව ගීයා ...............

බෝපත් දහරින් විසිරුණු 
සිත පිනිකට මුහුණ වූ උණුසුමට 
අපිරිමිත සිසිලසක් දුන්නා ....
නිදා උනිම මම 
හිමින් සීරුවේ
සුමුදු ඇගේ දෑත් 
කෙස්රොද අතරින් 
සිසිල ෙනු දින ..............

අප ගත එක්වී බැදී සිටින කල
පැතුම් සුගන්දයක් පවනට එක්වී 
බෝපත් ඇල්ලෙන් විසිරුණු 
තුෂාරයන් හා සුන්දර ගමනක්
මන්දාකිනියේ ඈත කෙලවරට 
යනු මම දුටුවා ........................

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with friendship."

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with friendship."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Coach Vince Lombardi said, 'The difference between a successful person & others is not a lack of strength or knowledge, but a lack of will'-just ThinkAMinute

Coach Vince Lombardi said, 'The difference between a successful person & others is not a lack of strength or knowledge, but a lack of will'-just ThinkAMinute

Don't despise those who are different to you or don't do it your way. if so, you would be bored. Enjoy the variety, as it's the spice of life-just ThinkAMinute

Don't despise those who are different to you or don't do it your way. if so, you would be bored. Enjoy the variety, as it's the spice of life-just ThinkAMinute

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Watch your tongue!!! The less you talk, the less chances of hurting others. Be known for the quality of your words, rather than the quantity.........

Watch your tongue!!! The less you talk, the less chances of hurting others. Be known for the quality of your words, rather than the quantity..........

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ඔඹ වගේ කෙනෙක් තව ඇත්නම ඒ ඔඹම තමයි තුන් ලෝකේ සද වගේ සදක් තව ඇත්නම් ඒ මගේ සදයි සිත් අහසේ සරස සරස ඔඹ ඉන්නට ආසයි ... සිරස සිරස සිප ගන්නට ආසයි .............

ඔඹ වගේ කෙනෙක් තව ඇත්නම
ඔඹම තමයි තුන් ලෝකේ
සද වගේ සදක් තව ඇත්නම්
මගේ සදයි සිත් අහසේ
සරස සරස ඔඹ ඉන්නට ආසයි ...
සිරස සිරස සිප ගන්නට ආසයි .............

ඔඹ හිනාවකට සුදු මුතු මල්දම් මේ ලයේ පහන් දැල්වෙන අන්දම්
ඔඹ මගේකියා මට හිතෙනවනම් තරම් සැපක් මට නෑ ආයේ
සනස සනස සිත මම ඉන්නම්
සිහින සිහින මැද සරනවනම්....................

රන් රූපෙන් ගලනා  viට සදකැන් මේ රැයේ කොහොම ඉන්නද නොදනිම්
මා ඔඹෙයි කියා ඔඹ සිතනවනම් මේ තරම් දුරස් වී ඇයි ඉන්නේ
පැටලි පැටලි ඔඹ ළග ඉන්නම්  
නැළවි නැළවි ඔඹ නළවන්නම්..........


සඳ තරු නිහඩ සොදුරු රෑයම

නුබ නෙතේ සෙනෙහස හදවතට තනිරකී

අප අපට හදවතින් දුර නොවූ නිමේෂයක

හදවතට සුවපිරු වදන් සිහියට නැගීයි

උදාවන කවදාක හෝ දිනයක

පැතුම් මල් පිබිදෙන සුන්දර හෝරාවක

නුබේම තරු දෙනෙතැති සිගිති මල් රේණුවක්

දෝතට වැඩමවන්නට

නුබේ සෙනෙහැති වදන් අභිමුව

පුරන්නෙමි පාරමී

ගිරි හිසක සුවද දෙන

රෝස කුසුමක් දකින්නට

හිත පිරු සීන සිතිවිල්ලක්ම

නොමවේවි නේද එය ?

Walking alone makes life dark & dreary. But the light of friendship makes even the darkest path of the unknown future brighter. Friends matter.........

Walking alone makes life dark & dreary. But the light of friendship makes even the darkest path of the unknown future brighter. Friends matter..............


When you have Drive & Discipline you'll see problems as opportunities & not obstacles. The road to success is always under construction-just ThinkAMinute

Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams! Everyday starts with some expectation, but everyday surely ends with some experience. "That's life"... Good Morning Every One !

Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams! 

Everyday starts with some expectation, 

but everyday surely ends with some experience.

"That's life"... Good Morning Every One !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Men - to cry or show emotions is NOT weak. Bottling up emotions is not macho at all. One day it will explode in anger & hurt those around you-just ThinkAMinute

Men - to cry or show emotions is NOT weak. Bottling up emotions is not macho at all. One day it will explode in anger & hurt those around you-just ThinkAMinute

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Changing your spouse won't solve your marital problems. You must change first. No smart preparation of bad eggs ever made a good omelette-just ThinkAMinute

Changing your spouse won't solve your marital problems. You must change first. No smart preparation of bad eggs ever made a good omelette-just ThinkAMinute

It's better to be blind & see with your heart than to have 2 good eyes & not see yourself as you are. True blindness is when you refuse to see-just ThinkAMinute

Monday, September 12, 2011

Failing is not failure. Everyone fails at times. True failure comes when you stop trying. Remember a quitter never wins & a winner never quits-just ThinkAMinute

Failing is not failure. Everyone fails at times. True failure comes when you stop trying. Remember a quitter never wins & a winner never quits-just ThinkAMinute


In life's journey don't pull over & park feeling that enough is enough. The problem with doing nothing is, you never know when you're finished-just ThinkAMinute

A tombstone read, 'Beneath this stone lies Mrs. Young, who on the 24th of May began to hold her tongue.' Hope you don't wait that long-just ThinkAMinute

All storms do pass, so when the storms of life are raging - don't jump ship. Tough times need tough measures & tough people to win over them-just ThinkAMinute

Everyone has problems, but the ones who handle them succeed. Things turn out best for people, who make the best of the way things turn out-just ThinkAMinute

Content: True friends are discovered only during inconvenient & hard times. 'There is no greater love than when someone gives his life for his friend'-just ThinkAMinute

Though your past may have been good, your future can be better. If you have more memories than dreams, you've lost your passion for living-just ThinkAMinute

True friends are discovered only during inconvenient & hard times. 'There is no greater love than when someone gives his life for his friend'-just ThinkAMinute

You are - the choices you make daily. Always do the right thing no matter the cost or risk. When your character is tweaked, your success peaks-just ThinkAMinute

In marriage some spouses go from: hard-to-get, to hard-to-handle, to hard-to-take. Don't be in a hurry; take time so the facades can fall off-just ThinkAMinute

Mickey Mantle's father played with him daily after work. Mickey went onto become a baseball great. Dad nothing can influence your son like you-just ThinkAMinute