Don't rebel against rules, as most of them do protect you. Remember, treaties are written in times of peace - to protect us in times of war-just ThinkAMinute
Take a break from the regular rat race & take the time to be nice to others. You my friend, will be surprised by the kindness others show you-just ThinkAMinute
Self-pity comes from self-centeredness. If you want to change how you feel about yourself, just centre your attention on others & their needs-just ThinkAMinute
When you have something to say keep it short & sweet & you will have more friends. A dog has many friends as it wags its tail & not its tongue-just ThinkAMinute
Depression hurts & the pain is very real. Don't let mental distress rob you of the joy of living, please find the courage to seek for help now-just ThinkAMinute
Don't LIVE a monotonous, uneventful & dull life, because you might find yourself bored to DEATH!-just ThinkAMinute
Don't be jealous of what others have. Greener grass in your neighbour's garden might just mean his grass is planted on top of the cesspit!!!-just ThinkAMinute
Are you stuck in your views & ways? Success in life is often linked to flexibility. Learn how to change with the times & get unstuck!!!-just ThinkAMinute
If you're one that compares yourself to find self-worth - start out thinking of yourself as the best, then you will never be the worst!!-just ThinkAMinute
A hurting foot is a result of a cutting shoe; a hurting heart is a result of a cutting relationship. I hope you are a soother & not a cutter-just ThinkAMinute
WINNERS actually do sweat the small stuff; because they know that getting the DETAILS right makes the difference between success & failure-just ThinkAMinute
We want others to change so that our world would change. if we start to change ourselves first, our world would instantly start to change too-just ThinkAMinute